Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Sarah's Sweet SixTEAn

This weekend Sarah celebrated her sweet sixteen with a small Tea Party with some of her close friends. All of which are such sweethearts and amazing people! Here are some of the photos from the party!

Each person wrote down a memory for Sarah!

Floating candles from Julia in a tea cup!

Hoping to make many more this summer!

The table with all the pretty decorations!


Opening presents!

Adorable Macie and her amazing sense of style.

Presents from Nunny! Little tea bags with happy faces :)

Molly chillin out

Macie acting out the part of Yenta from Fiddler on the Roof...
Also being the cutest human ever.

JOY! ;)



  1. In the one with the gift card I look so angry! Like I'm publicly shaming a peasant.

  2. Edgar looks so decrepit in the last photo!
