Friday, November 28, 2014

More Street Photography

This week we were assigned more street photography. Basically just taking your camera everywhere you go and Take photos. I did this as much as possible, and here is the first half.
Decoration at the store :) So cute!

I love this garden statue ;)

Art at the library!

Shoes from a girl at my youth group

Black Friday prep

A pet store near my house always dresses up a horse, this year it is the Grinch!

A lady who works at my church likes jingle bells more than any other so she put this up.

I apologize for terrible light quality in most of these photos...

One of my youth leader's shoes.

Dasha, fabulously eating her lunch.


Thanksgiving decorations

Oreo balls Dasha and I decorated, made by my mother and I.

Dasha hugging her little sister. Candid, booo yah!

My father with his guitar.

Little baby at my church.


Christmas trees are truly amazing.

Whatever this is it reminded me of a manger. :)

Music stand, weird photo but I like it.

Construction worker

Country Village is truly amazing.

Giant nutcracker being all creepy and cool.

One of my favorite scents in the world. Christmas smell.

Anytime there is a camera and a mirror this happens ;D

If you get this for me I will love you forever.

Now, for the low price of $5.99 you can buy a pack of Diabetes!

Terrible picture, beautiful painting.


Friends at lunch



I love mah friends. (Where u at Julia and Emma!?)

Ear cuffs made by my friend. She rocks them.

Awesome youth leader!


  1. The reese's comment tho!!!!!! XD XD XD

  2. We were sitting in our normal spot by the usual window in the normal corner on the usual floor. Where were YOU?
