This April my family and some friends from French class are taking a trip to Paris. I am so excited, and a little overwhelmed. (Who knew so much prep work would go into this trip??) Any who we decided to have a prep for Paris day where we gathered all things we needed into our tiny back packs and headed off to Seattle to walk around, eat at cafes, and check out art museums. We even took an unexpected detour because our plans were disrupted by 2 hour parking instead of 4. However, this detour was our favorite part of the day! We're looking forward to adventures like these when we finally reach Paris.
First we stopped at Café Vivace and got some seriously strong coffee and some lemon pound cake!(My personal fave) (Well actually everything is my fave)
After that we took a walk and hopped back in the car, bound for a specific park. Along the way we saw some pretty cool houses, such as this Barbie/Up style home.
This is one of my favorite pics of the day!
Not the best pic, but you can see what a nice day it was!
And now we've come to the famous camel. We found him and his twin buddy staring across at each other at the Seattle Asian Art Museum. I had to restrain everything in me to not climb it until I read the plaque at his feet declaring it was for "The children's enjoyment." WELL PFFFFT I could most certainly pass for a child. I hopped up on it, with *cough* minimal effort. Who am I kidding? that thing was so tall I almost needed a boost up! Any how I conquered the concrete giant. Here I am in all my camel glory.
Afterward Sarah insisted that we take a camelfie. (Camel selfie.) Unfortunately his face is so big all we got was about half his cheek and an eye.
I tried using a smaller aperture than I normally do, to get a different feel to my pictures and I really like how they turned out!
On our unexpected detour we ended up at a park with this ancient looking water tower! We need the practice climbing stairs so we went all the way to the top. It was SO DANG COOL. I cannot wait for moments like those in Paris.
How cool is this?? I mean seriously it was pretty awesome.
I thought it was really gorgeous. If I lived near here I would climb the tower every week and do homework at the top, have a picnic, or read a book. It was so empty and peaceful. There was almost no one there.

The gorgeous mansion right in front of the water tower took my breath away... I wouldn't mind living there ;)
It's a tulip tree!! Up close!
The Seattle Frye Art Museum was our "Main event" for the day. Although none of us completely understood or appreciated the modern art section, the painting room satisfied our need for art. I could sit in there for a darned long time. I love seeing how God has gifted these people in such a way. For each picture, as I stared at the intricate brush strokes, I tried to come up with a story of what was going on in it. It was quite a fun and entertaining game.
I love, love, love this picture.
We loved our "Family chair" designed specifically for three people. It was marvelous.
We also visited the St. James Cathedral. It was so breath-takingly beautiful and impressive. Inside the church was extremely peaceful and the details on the stained glass and scattered carvings were astounding. After a little while I got antsy though and I needed to leave so I could make noise, as I tend to do ;P
After the Cathedral we got burgers and went back to the sunny park to enjoy them :) Once done with our lunch we fed some fries to our adorable visitor, and he cooperatively posed for the camera.
After our lunch we were going to head to the U-dub to see if the cherry blossoms were in bloom, but there was a conservatory just a short walk down in the park that we thought would be so awesome to visit.
Another of my faves from the day!
Us Washingtonians get a little over-sunshined from time to time.
Get what this is? Yep! Another of my favorites. Imagine that.
I ended up taking the one on the left home with me <3
Okay so confession time. Up until this day I had never seen my favorite type of flower in person. I found a photo of Ranunculus on Pinterest a few months ago and fell in love. (I'm not a huge flower girl, I kill pretty much all of them...) At the little shop in the conservatory what would they have laying around but Ranunculus!
Sadly the sweet bloom was a little more than I had with me... (Exactly $0) So I didn't take it home :(
I just finished reading a book about this mythical/fantasy island called Tamarind. The book is aimed for a slightly younger audience but I really loved hearing about the plants and animals the fairy-land held. Many of the plants took me directly to Tamarind. How cool is it that God made such a variety of things that we just keep discovering them? We've never found an end of new species of living things! He is so good, giving us these things to entertain us and to lighten our hearts. And oh boy! His imagination is far beyond any I've ever known. I mean honestly what mind could come up with a sloth, a platypus, a seahorse, a beetle... And He gave each of them a specific purpose. Wow.
Sorry when I think of these things I tend to ramble ;) Our God is just so amazing and beyond words that every now and then I just spend a few minutes to marvel.
Sarah hath dubbed thee, Sir plantelier
Sarah thinks that these would make good mascara brushes for giants... Her mind is a never-ending maze.
Tulip trees galore!
We ended the day at Café Dilletante. We each ordered a scrumptious dessert. Sarah had the Orange Panna Cotta, which personally I liked best of all the desserts.
Mom had the chocolate mousse in this ADORABLE chocolate cup! It was really yummy, but a little too dark for me. Sarah and mom loved it!
I got the tiramisu which evidently was no one's favorite :P At least it's pretty.
Cheers to a great day and some beautiful desserts!
This day made me so excited for Paris. Honestly I was mildly excited before, anticipating it with mainly angst instead of joy. After this day however, I can't wait! I am soooo looking forward to taking pictures of the beautiful things we find, to day dreaming as we roam the streets, to creating new memories with people I love, and to enjoying a different part of the world. Oh, and practicing my French! Merci de regarder mes photos, jusqu'a la prochaine fois, au revoir!!
I loved hearing all about your day! I can't wait to see all the pictures and stories from France! Comment dit-on jusqu'a la prochaine fois en anglais? I haven't been keeping up my French as well as I should...