About a month ago me and my friends started planning this photo shoot, we decided to all wear flowy dresses that would look great in pics where we are running, spinning and jumping... Lol well that didn't quite happen. See none of us had dresses like those, that we wanted to wear in a park and possibly get dirty so we all went to thrift stores and found the best we could, which turned out to be medieval type dresses. It turned into a completely different shoot than I had dreamed up buti t was fabulous all the same. I still have dreams of the other photo shoot, but I will put that to the side for a while and be content with what I got. And hey, a photo shoot is a photo shoot! In the end it doesn't matter what we wear or where we go, it matters that we have fun, make memories, and get some great shots!
Princess Dasha
How adorable can my friends be??
One of my favorite photos of the day!!
Love this girl, and her precious heart. Emma is one of the best friends I could ever ask for and I sincerely hope I never take her for granted.
Dasha, the sweet adventurer.
Another one of my favorite shots!
Another one of my absolute favs! Lol I have a couple ;)
I take far too many pictures of Dasha XD
pic cred: Dasha
pic cred: Dasha
When will my husband return from war?
I find myself becoming more and more hipster... someone help!
She wouldn't lay down in the grass for a photo... oh well.

Brave one
Hope you enjoyed the photos! Let me know which one is your favorite, and if you want to do a photo shoot with me sometime just let me know! <3
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