Friday, November 6, 2015

Homecoming 2015!

Getting ready!

Okay can we just take a moment to admire Alexia's hair doing skills?? She did Dasha's hair.

My cuties <3

AHHH Chloe is sooo purty

Chloe's hair looked so fabulous

Isn't this color so pretty on Emily?!

Alexia's swagger kills me.

AW she's so CUTE


AAAND my friends are crazy.

Loved this necklace!!

And here is me awkwardly posing cuz idek how to model.
This is why I am the photographer ;)

Ms. Macie did my hair! Isn't it gorgeous?

Thanks for constantly just being the best, Macie!! <3

We even make awkward prom pics look good.

Titanic... X'D

Thank you, Chloe for taking all the pics that I am in :)

Ahhh cutsie

19th century model status

Love this dress

Shoe pic...? Idek if this is good or a fail

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