Sunday, May 31, 2015

Bubble tea days

I admit I like blurry pics every now and then ;)

What are these flowers called? (I'm looking at you, Julia)

Taro is the best ;)


  1. Ooh so pretty!!! Knowing me, I researched those blue flowers for about ten minutes . . . The flowers look enough like a type of blooming star liatrus for me to suspect them of being that. But the flowers you found aren't purple / pink, and the leaves don't look exactly the same! I'm not sure, though! Let me know if you find out :)

    1. Haha thank you, Julia! You rock!! I actually did see some lighter purple ones later, but I liked the indigo ones more. I am so excited to hang out on Saturday!

  2. AHA! The mystery is solved. I am absolutely certain and completely positive that those flowers are not blooming star liatris, after all. They are mountain bluet buds! Ahhh, now I can sleep tonight XD XD

  3. I see that D has her straw upside down again ;)
