Sunday, September 28, 2014

Photo a day

This is a picture of my portrait buddy.
Shutter speed 1/160s
F-stop  5.6
ISO 400
This is a picture of my friend's clock
Shutter speed  1/25s
F-stop 3.2
ISO 400

This is a picture of my cat Edgar with a ring on his head. Why? Ask my sister.
Shutter speed 1/30s
F-stop 3.5
ISO 800

This is a picture of the bird feeder in my front yard. it used to be my grandparents, but when they passed away we got it.
Shutter speed 1/100s
F-stop 5.6
ISO 200

This is a picture of our crockpot cooking something yummy.
Shutter speed 1/60s
F-stop 3.5
ISO 400

This is a picture of my mom's bible in Psalms.
Shutter speed 1/80s
F-stop 3.5
ISO 800

This is the date, so yep.
Shutter speed 1/60s
F-stop 3.5
ISO 400