Monday, July 6, 2015

Fourth of July!

I looked up some tips and such and had some fun!
Thank you to my friends and family who were awesome and helped me do these pictures and put up with my camera-land attitude.
The snakes are a classic ;)

It's funny how I didn't notice they were American flag colors until I looked at the pics

fountains are so great!

Lol so yeah it's blurry but it's cool.

Too bright DX

First sparkler attempts!

<3 moniter

Adorbs besties

My attempt :)

She looks like a ghost XD


An attempt at love




Circling around...

Reminds me of lightning

My star attempt. I'm in love!!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Lopez Island

 A little while ago my friend's family took me and another friend camping at Lopez Island! It was so fun and extremely beautiful. Everywhere I looked I could see the beauty of God's creation, I would hear Him in the crash of the waves and see Him shining in the stars. It was amazing. I took a lot of pictures but I got the urge to take more pictures every 10 minutes. Thank goodness I ignored that urge or there would be 2000+ pics for you to look at.
Pre ferry pics :)

Love this one

All I can think is "Mine mine mine mine mine"

Sun dog!

Nat on the ferry

Used a trick from my photography book, worked like a charm!

Surrounding islands :)

Nessie is adorbs and her sibling relationships are even cuter.

Can you spot the tire swing?

Gotta love the ferry's wake.

The first deer we saw on Lopez Island was very special to me

Another deer :) My settings weren't quite right, as I was eager to capture the moment without fixing them first D:

This one let me get about 7 feet away from it!!

My first attempt at night photography... Not terrible.

Needs some work but still cool :)

Lead me down a path, O Lord. Guide me with your light.